Mr Finch was a middle-aged bird at an estimated age of only 10 years old. Some male canaries in captivity have been know to live 16 years. Female canaries live for 5 to 6 years. It was not uncommon for Finch to sing to the vacuum cleaner or music on the TV. In fact, something of a challenge since his singing interfered with the TV, turning the TV up only made him sing louder. His song was a pleasant sound when awakened at sunrise during his music time.

His music, constructed on the fly, will be sadly missed.

He is now no longer restricted to his place above the door, where he composed his music every day. There are no real pictures of Finch, because one never expects this journey to end. He was just there and now the space he left is merely a void.

"I have sent you on a journey to a land free from pain., not because I did not love you, but because I loved you too much to force you to stay. Blessed are they that mourn, for they will be comforted."




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