The rainy winter weather and wind have returned in 2016.

This was the first storm at the end of February that took down two cedar trees in the neighbor's yard.  It fell away from the power line and road.  It was about 1,000 feet East of our yard.  The roots were big, but very close to the surface.

Then two weeks later 1/3 of they way through March, this one about the same distance away but more north east and the tree fell in the opposite direction. You can see not very much root for the size of the tree. The neighbors that DID hear the the free fall in the forest said the two girls, about 11-13 years old ran into Mom and Dad's bed and were terrified. I can imagine.

Big tall pine trees are surrounding this house. But they are coming down, some healthy and 2 in the back dead from the bark beetle. In the front of the house PG&E will contract to take 6 trees down. They are about 3-4 feet in diameter, dead from the beetle. Course I've been waiting since June of 2015 for this to happen.

Now this isn't the storm but two trees that were attacked by the bark beetle.

At 7:30 April Fool's Day of 2016, the 3 man crew arrived. 2 hours later they were gone. Another crew will chip up the branches. Notice the hole in the ground, that's right were the water line runs to the house. Counted about 70 rings on the larger tree. Last 10 years the rings are pretty tight.  During the early years (the first 30) the rings are 1/8" or more apart.

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