Barley the rabbit went to the Vet today.

He was about 6.5 years old. He is survived by his best friend Bob. He is mourned by his friends, Matrix, Butch, Sasha, Bob and Moonpie.

Barley and Bob were the first two rabbits. Their love for each other did not occur until after their neutering. Prior to that they banged heads like mountain goats.

Barley turned out to have the sweetest gentle disposition who despite his crooked spin, had a kind lick for everyone and dearly loved his prunes and enjoyed his fresh vegetables with vigor. He, like the others before him will be sadly missed.

"I have sent you on a journey to a land free from pain., not because I did not love you, but because I loved you too much to force you to stay. Blessed are they that mourn, for they will be comforted."


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